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pojangmacha: What are the popular foods at Korean street food stalls?"

by 365 ^^ 2024. 7. 8.

Have you ever heard of "포장마차" (pojangmacha)? They're these charming little street food stalls where you can sit down and enjoy a variety of snacks and dishes. They're super popular in winter because they offer a warm refuge from the cold. You can warm up with some hot food and maybe even a drink. It's such a cool part of Korean culture, especially in the winter. Imagine you're out for a walk on a chilly evening, and you start feeling the cold biting at you. That's when you spot a cozy tent by the roadside, warmly lit and inviting. You step inside and immediately you're greeted by the delicious smell of street food and the warmth of the heater.



Even though a lot of these stalls have disappeared due to urban development projects, Korean people still love them. It's like a nostalgic taste of the past that people love to revisit. 


1. 번데기 (Beondegi)

They sell some popular and unique dishes. One of them is beondegi, which are steamed or boiled silkworm pupae. It might sound a bit unusual, but it's a traditional snack that's packed with protein. It has a nutty flavor and is usually served in a cup with a bit of broth.


beondegi soup = boiled silkworm pupae

2. 닭똥집 (Dakdongsip)

Then there's dakttongjip, which are chicken gizzards. They are usually fried with garlic and chili peppers, making them spicy and flavorful. The texture is really unique—both crunchy and chewy. Chicken gizzards are also popular in many parts of the world.

dakttongjip: chicken gizzards

3.두부김치 (Dubukimchi)

Dubukimchi is a wonderful dish that combines tofu and kimchi. It's often served as a drinking snack, or "안주" (anju), but it's also great as a side dish. When you eat it, you usually take a piece of tofu and a bit of the stir-fried kimchi together. The combination of the mild, soft tofu and the spicy, flavorful kimchi is fantastic. It’s a great balance of flavors and textures.

Dubukimchi /계란말이 (Gyeranmari):


4.계란말이 (Gyeranmari)

Another dish is gyeranmari, a Korean rolled omelette often packed with various fillings. It’s simple yet delicious and is commonly found in lunch boxes, at home, and in restaurants.


You pour the mixture into a frying pan and cook it slowly. As it cooks, you roll it up layer by layer, creating a beautiful spiral when sliced. The result is a savory, fluffy omelette roll that’s as visually appealing as it is tasty. Gyeranmari is usually sliced into bite-sized pieces, making it easy to eat and share. It’s perfect for breakfast, as a side dish, or even a snack.


