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Yeondeunghoe: Lotus Lantern Festival in Korea

by 365 ^^ 2024. 5. 15.

Yeondeunghoe: The Lotus Lantern Festival

Seoul's annual Yeondeunghoe which was inscribed as a UNESCO intangible cultural heritage in 2020. While there are many festivals around the world, Yeondeunghoe is the only one with a history spanning over 1,200 years. This one of the oldest festivals in Korea.




The History of Yeondeunghoe: The Lotus Lantern Festival

Yeondeunghoe, known in Korean as the Lotus Lantern Festival, is held annually to celebrate Buddha's birthday on April 8th of the lunar calendar. The festival originated in India and spread to Korea through China during the Unified Silla period. “Samguk Sagi,” a historical record of the Goguryeo, Baekje and Silla kingdoms, states that Yeongdeunghoe was held as early as the Silla Dynasty (57 B.C. to A.D. 935).


The Lotus Lantern Festival became a significant Buddhist tradition during the Goryeo Kingdom (918-1392). At that time, Buddhism was the state religion, and Buddhist events were grand national celebrations.



Although state festivals ceased with the advent of the 1392-1910 Joseon Kingdom, which set neo-Confucianism as its ideology, the Buddhist celebrations remained as beloved folk traditions.


At the festival, you can see white elephant lanterns. According to legend, Queen Maya dreamt of a white elephant with six tusks entering her right armpit before giving birth to Buddha. Elephants are symbols of luck and longevity.


코끼리는 행운과 장수의 상징이다 .


Another highlight of the festival is the paper flowers made from dyed hanji (Korean paper). This is a unique tradition in Korean Buddhism, where fresh flowers were scarce. These paper flowers, called "jihwa," are said to be flowers that bloom from the heart, symbolizing pure intentions.



The Origin Story of Yeondeunghoe

There is a legend about the origin of the festival. In India, a poor woman named Nanta lived by begging. She felt sad seeing others offering grand tributes to Buddha. To make a small offering herself, she bought oil and lit a small lamp for Buddha. This small lamp miraculously burned all night and could not be extinguished by anyone the next day.





The Meaning of the Lanterns

The festival of lights aims to make the world a better place for everyone. Lighting a lantern means bringing light to your own troubles and pain. It also means helping others who are suffering. The goal is to brighten the world for everyone. This festival is about wishing for happiness for yourself and your neighbors.



Before the Lantern Festival, children played a game called "Hogi Nori." 


호기 놀이란? playing "Hogi Nori."


호기 놀이란? playing "Hogi Nori."

고려시대부터 조선시대까지 아이들이 사월 초파일 연등회를 준비하기 위해 호기 놀이가 성행했다. 호기 놀이는 아이들이 연등을 만들 비용을 마련하기 위한 놀이로 종이를 잘라 등대에 매달아



