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namnyeo chilse budongseok means?

by 365 ^^ 2024. 5. 21.

Mean of namnyeo chilse budongseok 

Korean culture: "남녀 칠세 부동석" (namnyeo chilse budongseok). This phrase literally means "men and women do not sit together after the age of seven." It reflects an old Korean custom based on the idea that boys and girls should be separated after they turn seven to teach them good manners and proper behavior.




This concept comes from Confucian ideals that were very influential in traditional Korean society.  When children turn seven, they begin to follow distinct paths based on their gender. Schools, family events, and public places all reflect this separation to encourage modesty and appropriate conduct. 


 In traditional homes, the "안방" (anbang) was the inner room reserved for women, while the "사랑방" (sarangbang) was the outer room for men and guests.


Why exactly seven years old?

Seven was considered the age when children started developing a sense of gender identity. so boys start going to school at the age of 7, while girls begin learning sewing, embroidery, and cooking at home. By keeping boys and girls separate after this age,  the goal was to teach them good manners and to avoid any improper behavior.


Education of Males:
Boys aged eight and older studied at seodang (village schools). At the seodang, they learned how to study and deepen their knowledge on their own. Boys who mastered their studies from an early age could later become civil or military officials.

Education of Females:
Girls received education mainly to take care of their households, raise children, and manage daily life. Women were taught to handle household chores, prepare meals, and welcome guests. They also learned how to handle thread and silk to make clothes and were instructed in proper etiquette for women.


