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진주성 장군들 (김시민, 황진) 이야기

by 365 ^^ 2022. 7. 22.

아 진주가 유네스코 시티로 지정이 되었었구나 2019년에.. 


김시민 장군 이야기 


진주성 김시민 장군 동상으로 임진왜란 3대 대첩을 승리로 이끈 명장이나 끝내 적의 총탄에 이마를 맞고 숨지신 영웅. 

진주성 김시민 장군 동상


忠武公 全時敏 將軍
청사에 빛나는 진주대첩을 쓰고 간 충두공 김시민 장군은 1554년 남 천안 병천에서 지정) 총감(中)의 아들로 태어났다. 본관은 안동 1578년 무과에 금제, 훈련원·군기시(판관(判)을 거쳐 1591년 진주판관이 되었다. 1592년 4월 임진왜란이 일어났을 때 목사 (牧使)가 병으로 죽자 그 직을 대신하여 민심을 다독이고 성과 못을 수측하는 한편 무기를 정비하고 군사체제를 갖추어 사천 고성·진해· 지례 금산(山) 등지에서 승전고(勝戰)을 올리며 목사로 승진되었다. 그리하여 같은 해 10월 5일 침공한 척의 2만 대군을 별과 3800여 병력으로 6일간의 공방전 끝에 크게 무찔러 이기니 곧 진주대첩이다.


그러나 이마에 적탄을 맞았다. 이어 경상우도병마절도사에 임명되었으나 병상에서 나랏일을 근심하며 눈물짓다가 39세를 일기로 이 곳 진주성에서 순혈殉)하였다. 슬프다! 장군의 천수(天)가 꺾이지 않았다.  이듬해() 6월 진주가 적의 손에 떨어졌을까. 1604년 선무공 신(宣武功臣)에 추록된 뒤 영의정에 추증되고 상락부원군(上渚府院君) 에 추봉되었다. 시호는 충무(忠武). 이에 만 사람의 뜻을 모아 장군상 을 세움은 나라와 겨레를 있게 한 그 매운 충절을 만세에 전해 우러 르고자 함이다.
2000 년 1 월 1 일



General Kim Simin, who led his troops to victory in one of the fiercest battles during the 1592 Japanese invasion of Korea, was born in Byeongcheon, Chungcheongnamdo province. He was of a clan origin in Andong and his father, Kim Chung-gap, was a government official. He passed the state military service examination in 1578 and, after working in the Military Training Administration, was posted to Jinju as an aide to the magistrate in 1591. 

When the magistrate of Jinju died of an illness when Japan invaded Korea in the 4th lunar month of 1592, Kim undertook the magistrate's job, encouraging the townspeople to construct walls. moats and other fortifications and organizing the military command and supplying weapons, He won battles at Sacheon, Goseong, Jinhae, and Geumsan and was promoted to the senior magistrate. On the fifth day of the tenth month of the same year, a 20,000-strong Japanese army attacked Jinju. With only 3, 800 soldiers under his command. Kim fought valiantly for six days and successfully defended Jinju town in what came to be known as the Great Battle of Jinju.

The general was hit in the head by an enemy bullet during the battle and later died from the wound in Jinju Town, worrying to his last minute about the future of his country. He was 39 years old. Before his death, Kim was promoted to Military Commander of Gyeongsang-u do province. If only he had not died prematurely, perhaps Jinju would not have fallen to the enemy the next year. General Kim was posthumously included in the roster of the meritorious officials of the war and honored with the post of prime minister. He was also given the posthumous title Lord Sangnak Puron gun and the name Chungmu (loyalty and valor). This statue was erected by thousands of his admirers to commemorate his devoted loyalty and patriotism.


김시민 장군 전공비

김시민장군 전공비 金時敏將軍戰功碑

경상남도 유형문화재 제1호 소재지 : 경상남도 진주시 본성동
이 비는 임진왜란(壬辰倭亂) 3대첩(大捷)의 하나인 진주성싸움을 승리로 이끈 주장(主) 김시민 장군의 전공을 새긴 비이다. 당시 김시민장군은 진주목사(晋州牧使)로서 판관 성수경(成慶), 곤양군수 이광악(昆陽郡守李光岳) 등과 함께 주도면밀한 작전을 펼쳐 왜적을 격퇴하였다. 비문(碑文)에는 1천명 되지 않는 병력으로 10만명의 군대를 물리쳤다고 했으나 다른 기록에는 3,800명의 적은 병력으로 2만여명의 왜적을 격퇴하고 진주성을 지킨 것으로 나타난다.


 김시민 장군은 적은 군사로서 파죽지세 (破竹之勢)로 몰려오던 왜적의 예기(氣)를 꺾고 승리를 거두었을 뿐만 아니라 영남에서 호남으로 나아가는 길목인 이곳 진주성을 사수(死守)함으로써 왜병의 호남진출을 봉쇄하여 임진왜란 초기에 우리측에 불리했던 전세를 뒤집고 전열을 가다 듬은 계기를 마련하였다. 


이 비는 임진왜란이 끝난 후 진주고을 백성들의 열망에 의해 광해군 11년(光海君 1619) 7월 에 세워졌는데, 성균관 진사 성여신(信)이 글을 짓고 성균관 생원 한몽인(寅)이 글씨를 썼다.




Monument to General Kim Si-min
Gyeongsangnam-do Tangible Cultural property No.1
Erected by the people of Jinju in 1619. the 11th year of King Gwanghaegun(1608~23), this monument is a memorial to General Kim Si-min who led the defenders in the first Japanese attack on the Jinjuseong (Fortress) in October 1592.

Through well-planned and executed tactics, General Kim, who was also the magistrate of Jinju, and his forces, though greatly outnumbered, successfully defended the fort against the Japanese. The general was helped by Gonyang-gun(county) chief Yi Gwang-ak and Seong Su-gyeong. The monument says that with the force of 1,000 General Kim defended the fort against the 100,000-strong Japanese armies but according to historical records, the general commanded a force of 3,800 against 20,000 Japanese attackers.


Kim's successful defense of the Jinjuseong frustrated the Japanese plan to invade the Honam (Jeonra Province) region and provided the momentum for the Korean forces to re-organize, thus turning the war around in favor of Korea.


Inscribed on the monument is a eulogy composed by Seong Yeo-sin and written by Han Mong-in both are members of Seonggyun-gwan (Confucian Institute)




황진 장군 외 삼장사 


촉석정 충단비 嘉石旌忠壇碑
경상남도 유형문화재 제2호 소재지 : 경상남도 진주시 본성동
이 비(碑)는 조선 선조 26년(朝鮮宣祖, 1593) 6월19일 ~ 29일 사이 있었던 제 2차 진주성 싸움에서 장렬하게 순국한 삼장사(三壯士) 김천일(金千鎰), 황진(黃進), 최경회(崔) 및 군관 민의 영령을 제사하기 위하여 세운 정충단의 비석이다.

임진왜란 초기에 왜적의 기습적 공격에 미처 전열을 정비하지 못한 우리는 한동안 육지의 전투에서 곤경에 처했었다. 그러나 우리 군대가 흐트러진 대오를 가다듬기 시작하면서 왜적을 제압하자 수세에 몰린 적들은 새로운 돌파구를 찾으려 아군의 10배에 가까운 병력으로 일대 반격을 펼쳤으나 막대한 피해를 입고 패하여 물러갈 수밖에 없었다. 이것이 제1차 진주성 싸움 (1592년 10월 5일~10일)이다. 그들은 이에 대한 보복전을 시도, 도요토미 히데요시(豊臣秀吉)의 특명에 의해 가토 키요마사(加藤淸正), 고니시 유키나가(小西行長)등이 이끄는 왜군 최정예 (最精)의 대군을 편성하여 2차로 진주성을 공격해 왔다. 


이때 삼장사를 중심으로 뭉친 진주성의 군관민은 압도적인 적세에 두려움 없이 맞서 전원이 순국하는 장렬한 최후를 맞았던 것이다. 숙종 12년 (肅宗, 1686)에 나라를 위해 충절을 다한 이들을 위해 촉석루 동쪽에 정충단을 세운 것이다.


Chokseok Jeongchungdanbi(Monument)
Gyeongsangnam-do Tangible Cultural Property No.2

This monument was erected as a memorial to generals Kim cheonil, Hwang Jin, Choe Gyeonghoe and to the officials, soldiers, and citizens who died defending the Jin Ju-Seong (Fortress) from JUNE 19~29,1593. Located east of Chokseong-nu(pavilion), Jeongchungdan was built in the 12th year of the reign of King Sukjong(1674-1720).

The Japanese first attacked the fortress on October 5~10.1592. Despite their numerical superiority of ten to one, they were defeated. Upon the direct order of General Hideyoshi Toyotomi, the Japanese attacked the fort again on June 19~29. 1593 Led by generals Kim Cheoil, Hwang Jin, and Choe Gyeonghoe, the people of Jinju fought valiantly through greatly out-numbered by the forces of Gato kiyomasa and Gonishi Yukinaga, All of the defenders were killed.



Ssangchung-Sajeokbi (Monument)
Gyeongsangnam-do Tangible Cultural Property No. 3
This monument is a memorial to the loyalty and patriotism of General Je Mal and his nephew, General Je Hong-rok, who raised a volunteer army during the Japanese invasion of 1592 and were killed in action. According to Jingbirok. an account of the 1592 invasion. General Je Mal, a native of Goseong-gun (County), Gyeongsang-do (Province), led his volunteer forces to victories in battles in Ungcheon, Gimhae , and Uiryeong. For his meritorious service, the King made him magistrate of Seongju. He died gallantly fighting for its defense.  Je's nephew, Je Hong-rok, served under Admiral I Sun-sin and died in action in the last stage of the war.

In 1792 King Jeongjo (1776~1800) ordered cabinet minister Seo Yu-rin to write a eulogy for the patriotism of the two and set up a monument by Chokseongnu (Pavilion). The monument house was torn down and the monument was left unattended during the period of Japanese rule (1910~45). The monument was moved here in 1961.



김시민 장군 진주대첩 & 진주성 촉석루의 논개 이야기 (남강유등축제 기원)


김시민 장군 진주대첩 & 진주성 촉석루의 논개 이야기 (남강유등축제 기원)

[선을 넘는 녀석들 리턴즈 7회] 오늘의 탐사지: 진주성 촉석루 주제: 임진왜란의 이름없는 영웅들 출연자: 업텐션 이진혁 임진왜란 당시 치열한 접전이 있었던 진주성을 둘러보며 김시민 장군의


