의금부란 조선 시대 임금의 명령을 받들어 중죄인을 신문하던 기관으로 조선시대 한양의 한복판인 육조거리 근처에 위치하고 있었다. 여전히 의금부터가 남아있다.

천주교 박해 시기 천주교 신자들은 서울의 좌,우포도청과 지방의 각 진영 및 군.현에서 문초를 받았다. 그들 가운데 중죄인 즉 주교와 신부, 평신도 지도자들은 국왕의 특별한 명령에 의해 의금부로 압송되어 국문을 받았다. 1791년 신해박해 때 이승훈 베드로가 의금부에서 국문을 받고 1801년의 신유박해 때 권철신 임브로시오가 순교한 이래 많은 천주교 선교사와 지도층 신자들이 이곳에서 신앙을 지켰다. 1866년 병인 박해때도 많은 신부와 천주교 신자들이 문초를 받았던 곳이다.
Uigeumbu, or State Tribunal, was the government agency of the Joseon dynasty ( 1392-1910 ) whose main duty was to interrogate felony suspects according to royal orders. This central judiciary body was called by several different names including Geumbu ( " Office of Prohibitions " ), German ( " Golden Mace " ), and Wangbu ( " King's Bureau " ).
During the period of religious persecution, Catholics arrested in the capital area were taken to the two head stations of the police (the Left Podocheong and the Right Podocheong) in Seoul while those in the regional areas to the regional military commands or provincial, prefectural, or country administration offices to be interrogated typically with severe torture. Of the arrestees in the regional areas, those deemed serious offenders, such as bishops, priests, and lay leaders, were escorted to the State Tribunal in Seoul for further interrogation according to the special order from the Joseon rulers.
Yi Seung-hun ( Peter, 1756-1801 ) was caught during the 1791 Sinhae Persecution and Gwon Cheol-sin (Ambrosius , 1736-1801 ) during the 1801 Sinyu Persecution were among those interrogated, tortured, and even executed in this office of the government body. They were then followed by other priests and lay leaders including Father Zhou Wenmo ( Jacob, 1752-1801 ), Choe Chang-Hyeon ( John, 1754-1801 ), Bishop Laurent Joseph Marie Imbert ( 1797-1839 ), Father Pierre-Philibert Maubant ( 1803-1839 ) , Father Jacques Honor Chastan ( 1803-1839 ) and Jeong Ha-sang ( Paul, 1795-1839 ).
In the 1866 Byeongin Persecution , Bishop Siméon-François Berneux ( 1814-1866 ) , Father Simon Marie Antoine Just Ranfer de Bretenieres ( 1839-1866 ), Father Pierre Henri Dorie ( 1839-1866 ) , Father Ludovicus Beaulieu ( 1840-1866 ) , Jeon Jang-un ( John , d.1866 ) Choe Hyeong ( Peter , 1814-1866 ) and Jeong Ui-bae ( Marco, 1794-1866 ) were among those tortured and executed in the State Tribunal.
